

Getting Involved: Donations to the City of Brockton

On June 2, the Sira Community team along with three community organizations donated 3,000 masks and almost 1,000 gloves to the city of Brockton. We were fortunate to partner with the Cape Verdean Association, Korean American Association, and Educational Divide Reform (EDR) Institute to make this large donation directly to the Mayor Sullivan to distribute to first responders and essential workers in our community.


All of us in the Greater Boston area are suffering from the pandemic but fighting it together in solidarity. We especially felt concerned for our Brockton community where a high number of low-income immigrants are being infected by COVID-19. The scarcity of facial masks and lack of access to masks seems to contribute to a vicious cycle of community contagion. This puts everyone under the risk of the life-threatening coronavirus.


It is important to us at Sira Naturals to do not only integrate ourselves into the community we serve but give back as much as possible. We look forward to further discussions with Cape Verdean Association, and Korean American Association about the need for community spaces to learn and grow together.


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