

Sira Spotlight: Customer Care Specialist
Posted by Andrew Sharp

The Sira Spotlight series focuses on one of the most interesting aspects of Sira Naturals: our people. Each month, we highlight members of our staff from across the entire organization.

In this Sira Spotlight, we are highlighting our Customer Care Specialist, Zoe Hulak, to learn about her role educating patients and managing customer service and experience.

Zoe spotlight

What is your role at Sira?

I am the Customer Care Specialist for Sira!

How long have you been a part of the team?

I started with Sira in May as a Patient Advocate, and begun my journey as the Customer Care Specialist a little over a month ago, so, it has really only been about 7 months now!

How has your past experience informed your current role at Sira?

Working at gym before Sira was probably the most helpful experience prior to filling this role. I learned to have thick-skin and that the way someone is treating or speaking to you, is not about you, but it is a reflection of how they feel internally and about themselves. I am also pursuing a degree within the Events Industry, so learning how to communicate efficiently, while multi-task, and staying wicked organized, has definitely taught me the skill set needed to juggle patients and personalize every interaction to make them the most beneficial for our patient.

What does a typical day look like in the Customer Service Specialist role?

That’s a great question! I wish I had a concrete answer, literally every day is different, but that is why it is so much fun and definitely keeps me on my toes. Every morning, around 10:00 am, my day in the dispensary starts with me grabbing the dispensary phone! The phone is my best friend and most loyal companion in this position. I start checking in on our social channels and our dispensary email. I start connecting with patient would like to get in touch with us, or have submitted a questions, comment, or feedback. The rest of my time I am working on customer service projects and trainings for staff. There are days that I still get to act as extra support and assistance, when it gets super crazy busy on the sales floor, which is nice to have a little time behind a register!

What’s the best way for a patient to get in touch with yourself or a team member regarding questions or feedback?

I would say emailing is the best way to get into with Customer Care support! The info@ email is great, since it is constantly being kept up with it daily and can be directly responded to in this way. Calling the dispensary at (866) 420-7472 is also an option for shorter and quicker inquiries, but this does get increasingly difficult on busier days due to the large volume of calls and only having one line, so I definitely recommend shooting us an e-mail!

What digital properties can I leave a store or product review on?

You can review us on our Sira Naturals google page, the Sira_Naturals Facebook, or reshare/post our products/ your experience on Instagram. Google reviews are AWESOME, I love responding to them and building rapport with patients this way. Facebook is also great to recommend other patients and to give us feedback!

What’s your favorite aspect of communicating with patients?

My favorite aspect about interacting with patients, are when I find myself laughing and really getting to know a patient over the phone. It genuinely makes my day when I am having a natural and fun conversation with a patient. When they tell me about their day or something little that’s happening, I feel like I am really giving them a reason to trust Sira and want to talk with us!
When I ask a patient “how can I help you” or “how are you”, I truly mean it! I actually want to know how I can help and how they are feeling. I find myself actively trying to connect with our patients on every call. Even though it is not in-person, I still strive to give them the most knowledgeable, kind, and professional experience I can. I try to make my phone calls as comfortable as my in-person appointments were, so I can still create this level of connection and understanding.,

What’s the most common question you get from patients?

Too many good ones to choose from, so I’ll give ya the top 3:
1. “Can I just walk-in? Do I realllyyyyy need an appointment?"
2. “Can you check my loyalty points?”
3. “What deals do you have today?”

What’s your favorite Sira product and why?

Such a hard question, but I have a fair tie between Alien Rift and Dosido #22 as my #1s. Alien Rift has an amazingly pungent lemongrass taste is that is soooooo great! I love how well it cuts my insomnia and helps me find some good, deep sleep. I also LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE our Dosido #22 flower. It has a beautifully sedating and tranquil body effect, with a mental state that is calm and really happy. This strain makes me giggly and feel like “high-school stoned” again. I love the creaminess of this strain and the deep, purple tones of the buds!

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I love Food, and I mean all things Food and Wine. I love to cook; I love to dine and I love discovering new and funky restaurants all over Boston. I keep a running list of places I want to try and check them off when I do, its honestly a really fun game! I love being in school. I am still finishing up my degree in Events and Business Management, slowly but surely, but I do find a true sense of happiness when I am constantly learning and reading. That being said, I do not read as much as I wish, but when I do I love to read historical fiction or psycho thrillers. Lastly, I am madly obsessed with Outlander at the moment, so if you want to chat about Claire and Jamie, you know where to find me in Somerville! 😊

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